Beyond the Degree The True Measure of Success

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  1) In today's world, degree holding is a significant place in our community , society and are often seen the ultimate measure of success and intelligence stories. However the idea that a degree is the only key to the success is highly debated. Many people argue that the degrees are just a piece of paper and cannot guarantee a fulfilling career or a successful life.

2) First having a degree does not guarantee your job or success. In the current job market situation, there is fierce competition for a limited number of vacancies, positions and a degree alone does not set someone apart from others. Employers now look for competencies and skills rather than solely on educational qualifications.

3) Secondly, the belief that degrees are the only way to the success is outdated and very narrow-minded. Many successful individuals have become entrepreneurs or built careers without ever obtaining a degree. These people have utilized their skills and talents to succeed in life. Start-ups like Microsoft, Facebook and Apple were founded by individuals who never completed a degree program.

4) Thirdly, degrees do not equate to intelligence. Intelligence can be defined as the ability to acquire, recognised, understand, and apply knowledge and skills. Intelligence comes in many forms, such as emotional intelligence, creativity, and problem-solving skills, Ace decision making  which often can be developed and run without a degree. Many successful individuals who did not excel in formal education, such as famous entrepreneurs like Richard Branson and Steve Jobs, are eminent examples.

5) Finally, the cost of obtaining a degree has increased  year by years, and it can be argued that the value of the outcome does not prove, justify the expense. Many people graduate with enormous student loans and find themselves struggling to make ends meet, particularly in low-paying jobs. Without learning specific skill sets that are relevant to the modern job market, it could be challenging to find remunerative careers.

Conclusion :

In conclusion, while a degree may offer several advantages, it is not a prerequisite for a successful, comfortable and a fulfilling life. Education is very essential, but whether it is a formal degree or an alternative form of training or education, skill sets and the ability to learn, adapt, increase and develop ultimately lead to the success in today's world. Therefore, it is vital to focus on developing transferable competencies and skill sets rather than solely counting on credentials like degrees.

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